Foundations of professionalism – First submission

My first assignment, following the initial module on the EdD programme – Foundations of Professionalism – has now been submitted. This was a personal reflection on professional identity, focusing on a range of issues in professional life. A key framework that I used was Cunningham’s explanation of a “critical incident” (Cunningham, 2008). I also used the work of Lave and Wenger (1991) – legitimate peripheral participation – too complex to summarise here, but involving the social situations involved in learning.

I used a simple diagram in my assignment to draw together aspects of professionalism (for me, as a head teacher).

Many professionals will understand that identity is “unstable and constantly changing” (Amott, 2018) and I set that in context of our ever-changing English education system. Since the 2010 Academies Act our school system has changed and 41.6% of schools are now academies (DfE, October 2019). 

I’m now turning my attention to the next assignment – Methods of Enquiry – designing a research study and undertaking a literature review.  I’ve started my reading to enable me to find my position within the literature. This will be around governance or governance structures in multi-academy trusts. More thoughts on that shortly!



Amott, P. (2018). Identification – a process of self-knowing realised within narrative practices for teacher educators during times of transition. Professional Development in Education, 44(4), 476–491.

Cunningham, B. (2008). Critical incidents in professional life and learning. In B. Cunningham (Ed.), Exploring professionalism (pp. 161–189). Institute of Education, University of London.

Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. University Press, Cambridge UP.


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